How can I Import Customers?
- Go to Settings.
- Go to Data and click Imports.
- Click Contacts and then click Next.
- You need to click the blue hyperlink Template to download the Contacts.csv file.
- You need to complete the Template file and save it as CSV, Choose the File, and Import
How do I Migrate my Data from Another Software to BrightBooks?
- The most popular option is importing Opening Balances. We can import Opening Balances on your behalf. Simply complete our Opening Balance Templates and send them back and we’ll have them imported in no time.
- Use our imports section through Settings > Data – Imports.
- The first piece of data to import is Customers and Suppliers.
- Once Customer and Suppliers are uploaded, you can import transactions.
- We recommend the Summary Customer/Supplier Invoices & Credit Notes imports for Sales and Purchase Invoices.
- The VAT Return Report in Reports is for existing VAT Returns Saved on BrightBooks, simply go to General Ledger and then click VAT Returns.
- Click Add.
- Enter the Ending Month and Ending Year and click OK.
- Your VAT Return figures will appear. Tick Closed and click Save if you are using this information to submit to Revenue. Click Print if you do not want to save it but want to see the makeup of the VAT Return figures.
How do I set up Resale VAT Codes?
- You do not need to. Resale is handled on a nominal basis by going to General Ledger and then clicking Chart of Accounts.
- Open the specific code by hovering over the code clicking the drop-down to the right and clicking Open.
- Click Advanced and then you can select Goods/Services for Resale and click Save.
- The code will now be flagged for Resale and will be represented with the * symbol
- You can post a transaction to this Nominal Code with a VAT Rate such as A – 23% and it will be flagged for Resale. You can select this option even if you have already posted transactions to this nominal code.
- You need to add a new VAT Rate by going to Settings.
- In Settings, go to VAT Rates.
- Click Add to start adding a new VAT Rate
- Enter the Code you want to designate to the VAT Rate, e.g. EUG.
- Then enter the Rate at 0.
- Enter a Description, e.g. EU Goods.
- Select Goods from the Goods or Services drop-down.
- Select an appropriate Notional Rate – what you would charge or be charged if it was an Irish transaction (Reverse charge) and then click Save.
How do I show the Reverse Charge on VAT Returns for RCT?
- First, you will need to enable RCT Transactions by going to Settings.
- In Settings, go to Accounts > Setup.
- Select Enable RCT Transactions and click Save.
- This will create a VAT Code for Invoices and three rates for Payments which can be found in the VAT Rates Settings.
- You then need to enable a Supplier for RCT through Purchases and then click Suppliers.
- Open the Supplier.
- Make sure the supplier's Country is selected as Ireland before going to Invoice Settings.
- Select RCT Subcontractor and click Save.
- When you post an Invoice to this Supplier it will default to the RCT VAT Code and will automatically apply the Reverse Charge of 13.5% when you run the VAT Return.
I clicked Banking and Bank Accounts, but it Says I do not have Sufficient Rights.
- You may need to give yourself the permissions by clicking Settings.
- Under General Setup, click Users.
- Click your email address.
- Under Customer Setup make sure both Access Plaid Bank Integration and Access Bank Accounts are selected.
How do I Connect to My Business Banking to Import Transactions?
- To connect to your Business Bank, go to Banking then click Bank Accounts.
- Click Connect to My Bank on the Bank Account you want to connect with, e.g. Bank Current Account.
- You will be redirected to Plaid. Click Continue.
- Search for the business bank by typing the Bank Name. The bank logos showing for AIB, BOI & Ulster Bank are personal bank account login pages
- Typing in the search bar will give you a wider range of Banks to select from.
How do I Upload a CSV from my Online Bank?
- Go to Banking then click Import Bank Feeds.
- Click Add Bank Feed.
- Select the Bright Bank Account you want to upload to.
- Select what transactions you want to Import.
- Select the Bank Feed Template – this may require trial and error as banks may provide different template formats for different account types.
- Choose your file and click Load.
- If successful, you will be brought to a screen to View/Edit Bank Feed transactions.
- If unsuccessful you will get a Validation Message and may need to try selecting a different Bank Feed Type.
How do I Add my Client as a User?
- Within the client, go to Settings.
- Under General Setup, click Users.
- Click Invite User.
- Enter the User's email address.
- Enter the User's forename.
- Enter the User's surname.
- Setup the User's Permissions.
- Click Send to send the user an email to activate their account.
How do I upload a batch of multiple invoices?
If the multiple invoices are in a single PDF document, click +Add Documents.
The Add Documents panel appears. With the Costs tab selected, tick One document per page.
Click Select Files and select the PDF containing multiple invoices or receipts from the local disk or drag the same to this space. The PDF is successfully uploaded.
All individual receipts are extracted and separately processed.
I emailed a batch of invoices to but they are not showing in my client's account.
They are in the practice account. When using or, you need to send the email with the batches from an email address associated with the client account. Instead of emailing, you can download and upload Multiple Item PDFs.
What are Recommendations of Quality for Uploading to Dext Prepare?
Native PDFs will upload the best, e.g. a digital copy provided directly by the Supplier.
If taking a photo, make sure the lighting is good in the room, you can tap the receipt when taking a photo to focus better on your device.
- To find out, on the left panel, click My Profile > Submission History.
- The Account submission history page shows all document submission susummariesTo view the submission details, click Details.
- View the submission details.
Does Dext check for Duplicates?
For Receipts, it will look for the Date, Supplier, and Amount only.
Can I upload Sales through the Mobile App?
I Cannot Add a Colleague to my Practice as their Email address is already in use, why?
- They may have set up a trial account or have been added to a client account previously.
- Get the specific user to log in to Dext with their email address and Password.
- They need to click My Profile then My Details.
- Change the email address to a fake email – e.g. and click out of the cell until you see the green check which saves the change.
- This will free up the user's email address and allow them to be added under the Practice Account by clicking My Team then Add a user or, to add multiple users at one go, click Add multiple users.
My BrightBooks Nominal Codes aren’t showing in Dext Prepare, Why?
- On the left panel, click Settings.
- Under Dext click Setup Now.
- The Settings page appears. Under the BANKING heading, click Dext Prepare Settings.
- The Dext Prepare Settings page appears. Set up, as required.
- Reload the inbox in Dext and you can now select the nominal code from BrightBooks under the Category
Only Cost of Sales and Admin Expenses are in Dext, what about Fixed Asset Codes?
When you integrate Dext with BrightBooks, any new code in Dext will reflect if it is added or updated on BrightBooks. So, to have Fixed Asset Codes on Dext, it must be first added to the Chart of Accounts in BrightBooks.
Some of my Transactions have come in as Payments. Can I Change these to Invoices?
- Yes, load the transactions from Dext by clicking Banking > Dext Prepare.
- Click New Import.
- You can click a transaction marked as Payment then click Edit.
- Change the Transaction Type from Payment to Invoice and click Save.
- Alternatively, before you import from Dext, you can open the transaction in Dext and change the Type to Invoice.
Can I delete an Import?
- Yes, go to Banking then click Dext Prepare.
- Hover over the feed you want to delete click the drop-down to the right and click Delete.
I tried to authorize but I get the message that the Dext Account is not set up as Administrator and you should contact the administrator.
- You are not set up as an Admin user in Dext. To integrate with BrightBooks, you need to be an Admin user.
- An administrator on Dext can change your Privileges in My Team.
- Click Manage then click Edit User Privileges.
- Change from Basic to Admin and click Save.