Contact Settings
The contact settings allow you to set up the format for defining unique contact codes, other contact information and credit terms and conditions. To learn more about contact settings, click on the links below.
Contact Coding
BrightBooks identifies each business contact with a unique code. The code can be system-generated or user-defined. BrightBooks provides the format for defining contact codes. Contact coding is done when the business settings are set for the first time. If you want, you can modify the contact coding.
1. Log in to BrightBooks. The Business page appears.
2. On the Business page, locate the required business by completing either of the following steps.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click the 'search' icon. The business summary will appear under the Select a Business heading.
- The business summary is available under the Select a Business heading. If you cannot find it, at the bottom-right corner of the page, click 100 to increase the number of records to be displayed on the page. The business summary will be available under the Select a Business heading.
3. Under the Select a Business heading, click the name of the business.
4. The Customers page appears. On the Customers page, from the left panel, click Settings.
5. The Settings page appears. On the Settings page, under the CONTACTS heading, click Setup.
6. The Contacts Setup window appears. On the Contacts Setup window, modify the contact coding, as required and click [Save].
Manual Coding
To set up contact coding manually, tick the MANUAL option.
Contact Category
You can configure a custom contact category so that when you configure contacts later, you can categorise the contacts under a suitable category. To configure the contact category, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 4 as given in Contact Coding.
2. On the Settings page, under the CONTACTS heading, click Categories.
3. The Contact Categories window appears. On the Contact Categories window, do the following, as required:
- To create a category, click [Add].
- To edit an existing category, select the category under the Description heading and click [Edit].
- To remove a category, select the category under the Description heading and click [Delete].
Other Information
You can configure additional but useful information about your contacts. For example, you may want to configure the birthdays or anniversaries of your contacts. You may also have the information printed on the invoices and receipts. To configure the information, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 4 as given in Contact Coding.
2. On the Settings page, under the CONTACTS heading, click Other Information.
3. The Contacts Other Information Definition window appears. On the Contacts Other Information Definition window, click [Add].
4. The Add Other Information window appears. On the Add Other Information window, enter the following details.
CAPTION | Enter the heading of the information. |
FIELD TYPE | Enter the field type. For example, if the caption is birthday, then the field type will be Date. |
FIELD SIZE | Enter the field size. For certain field types such as Date and Yes/No, the field size is fixed. |
DECIMAL PLACES | Enter the decimal value, if applicable. |
Print on invoices | Select if you want the information to be displayed on invoices. |
Print on statements | Select if you want the information to be displayed on statements. |
APPLICABLE TO: | Select the contact type to which the information will apply. |
Credit Terms
When you configure a customer, certain credit terms are pre-configured for you. However, you may modify existing credit terms or define new credit terms. You can also set a credit term as the default applicable term. To define new credit terms, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 4 as given in Contact Coding.
2. On the Settings page, under the CONTACTS heading, click Credit Terms.
3. The Contacts Credit Terms window appears. On the Contacts Credit Terms window, click [Add].
4. The Add Credit Terms window appears. On the Add Credit Terms window, define the credit terms and click [Save].