BrightBooks offers the following stock reports. You can generate the reports by specifying one or more criteria.
Stock Activity
The report generates the overall activity in terms of goods coming in and going out; total stock in and out and so on, depending on the criteria you specify. To generate the report, complete the following steps:
1. On the Reports page, under the STOCK heading, click Stock Activity Report.
2. The Stock Activity page appears. Specify the criteria, as required and click Run.
3. The report is generated.
Stock Transaction Listings
This report shows the Goods In and Goods Out details depending on the stores for products.
1. On the Reports page, under the STOCK heading, click Stock Transaction Listings.
2. The Stock Transaction Listings page appears. Specify the required criteria and click [Run].
CALENDAR | Click and select a pre-configured date range. |
DATE FROM | Specify the date from which you want to view the report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Specify the date till which you want to view the report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
PRODUCT FROM | Specify the product from which you want to view the report. |
PRODUCT TO | Specify the product till which you want to view the report. |
STORE | Select the store. |
3. The report is generated.
Stock Valuation
The report shows the purchase price of products at stores based on the criteria you specify.
1. On the Reports page, under the STOCK heading, click Stock Valuation.
2. The Stock Valuation Report page appears. Specify the required criteria and click [Run].
CALENDAR | Click and select a pre-configured date range. |
AS ON DATE | Specify the date till which you want to view the report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
PRODUCT FROM | Specify the product from which you want to view the report. |
PRODUCT TO | Specify the product till which you want to view the report. |
STORE | Select the store. |
SUPPRESS ZERO | Select, if required. |
3. The report is generated.
Stock Levels
This report generates the stock of various products at the stores you have specified. You can set your specific criteria to generate the report. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. Under the Select a Business heading, click the name of the business.
2. On the Reports page, under the STOCK heading, click Stock Levels.
3. The Stock Levels Report page appears. Enter the following criteria, as required and click [Run].
CALENDAR | Click and select a pre-configured date range. |
AS ON DATE | Specify the date till which you want to view the report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
PRODUCT FROM | Specify the product from which you want to view the report. |
PRODUCT TO | Specify the product till which you want to view the report. |
STOCK LEVELS | Select the required criteria. |
STORE | Select the store. |
Suppress Zero | Select, if applicable. |
Include Order Summary | Select, if applicable. |
4. The report is generated.