The Invoice page enables you to Add an Invoice under the name of a specific customer for the business you are signed in for. You can add an invoice by clicking the 'bottom-right' Plus icon on the selected Customers page. The steps to add an invoice are mentioned below.
- The Customer's name is automatically populated as the Invoice is selected for a specific customer.
- The Customer's name can be modified using the Search tab, which appears after clicking on the 'right arrow' on the placeholder.
- The Add New button beside the Customer name placeholder allows you to add a new customer. To see how to add a customer, click here.
- The Invoice Number is automatically generated.
- Enter a valid Reference Number.
- Select the Invoice Date using the Calendar icon.
- Select the Invoice Due Date using the Calendar icon.
- Select the appropriate S.Q. No/S.O. No. from the 'right arrow' icon.
- The icon takes you to the Quote/Order List page. You can select or deselect the Quote by clicking on the checkbox. You can Save the Quote after selecting the required one.
- You can Add an Item, which can either be a Product or a Service. To know how to add a product or service click here.
- The Item's Net amount, VAT Amount and Total Amount are automatically populated from the Product/Service that you added earlier.
- Enter your Payment Terms in the Add Payment Terms placeholder under Additional Details.
- Enter your Notes in the placeholder under Additional Details.
- Click Save Invoice to save the Invoice created for the customer.