The Products section can be accessed by clicking on the 'bottom right' icon which is represented by three dots. Click the More button to view the options and select Products, to open the Products page. This page has three main functions that are defined below.
Search/View/Sort Products
- Click the Search tab at the top to find the list of available products under the business you are signed in for.
- Enter the Product Name on the tab to find the one you are looking for.
- Select the Product to open its detailed information.
- The page displays a list of all the products available for the business that you have signed it for.
- In the list, you can see the Product Name, Product Code, and Sales Price for each of them.
- Click the 'down arrow' on the 'top right' that is displayed below the Search bar.
- The Sort Options are displayed. The different options are Code, Description, and Sales Price.
- Once the Sort option is selected, the page displays the list of Products under the selected filter.
Detailed Product View
If you click on any of the Products from the View Product page, it will open a detailed description of all the selected products' details. The Detailed view is primarily categorised into three sections, which are Product Details, Product Sales Details, and Product Purchase Details.
Product Details
The Product Details section allows you to view the details of the selected products. It displays the Product Name, Product Code and Product Category. All fields here are read-only.
Product Sales Details
The Product Sales Details section allows you to view the Sales details of the selected product. It displays the Sales Price, Nominal Code, and VAT Code. All fields here are read-only.
Product Purchase Details
The Product Purchase Details section allows you to view the Purchase details of the selected product. It displays the Purchase Price, Nominal Code, and VAT Code. All fields here are read-only.
Add Product
The Add Product option can be accessed by clicking on the Plus icon at the 'bottom right', under the Products view page. To follow the steps to add a Product, click here.